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EDUCATION TOOLS Get Access to Our Education Library RISK66’s educational resource library is loaded with indispensable assets to help you explain actuarial and analytical topics to your clients. See below for a few examples of resources available, as well as an opportunity to sign up for a complimentary RISK66 Educational License.
SAMPLE RESOURCES Free Downloads Available AN ACTUARIAL ADVANTAGE From Loss Development Factors to the basic methodologies behind a Reserve Analysis and IBNR, this booklet provides a simple explanation of fundamental actuarial topics.
GET YOUR COPY LARGE DEDUCTIBLE ANALYSIS GRAPHIC This one-page PDF graphically explains the components for selecting an appropriate loss retention for a deductible program.
GET YOUR COPY CAPTIVE OVERVIEW This PDF brochure provides a summary of captive insurance and the analytical process involved in forming a captive.
GET YOUR COPY LOSS DEVELOPMENT FACTORS VIDEO Our straightforward training videos are designed to support your knowledge and confidence when discussing advanced topics.
VIEW ON YOUTUBE We help risk management and insurance professionals harness the power of analytics to make better decisions.
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