My Captive’s Actuarial Reserve Estimate Changed,
What Should I Review?

One of the most efficient ways of reviewing the impact of a captive’s losses is through an actuarial exhibit referred to as a “reconciliation of required reserves”.
Table 1: Reconciliation of Estimated Required Reserves
1. Prior estimated required reserves
2. Plus change in ultimate losses for historical periods
3. Plus ultimate losses for current period
4. Minus losses paid since prior evaluation
5. Current estimated required reserves
Table 2: Expanded Reconciliation of Estimated Required Reserves
1. Prior estimated required reserves
2A. Plus change in ultimate losses for periods prior to 2010
2B. Plus change in ultimate losses for periods 2010 and forward
3. Plus ultimate losses for current period
4. Minus losses paid since prior evaluation
5. Current estimated required reserves
Enoch Starnes, ACI

Actuarial Consultant
Michelle Bradley, ACAS, MAAA, ARM, CERA

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