Category: Cyber Risk

Assessing Financial Strategies for Cyber Risk

The assessment tools available in RISK66 are an integral part of our platform, and we would like to thank those who have shared positive feedback over the years regarding their usefulness. Because of our desire to continue providing exceptional support to our RISK66 users, SIGMA is excited to announce the latest addition to our online suite, […]

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Adapting Your Captive for a Shifting Risk Landscape

In a recent article published by Captive International, Michelle Bradley and Enoch Starnes discuss, “Adapting Your Captive for a Shifting Risk Landscape". In it, they examine how a company’s risk profile can shift dramatically and without any warning. The impact of a global pandemic, a rising tide of shock verdicts, and an increasingly complex cyber landscape have […]

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Captive Market Trends, and Predictions for the Year Ahead

Michelle Bradley and Enoch Starnes were recently featured in an article by Captive Insurance Times titled, "Going for Gold". Along with other industry leaders, they discuss 2023's captive market performance, trends and developments, and share predictions for the year ahead.  In regards to the year ahead, Michelle states in the article, “The sustainability of new […]

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Optimizing Cyber Risk Management: Key Captive Considerations

In a recent article published by Captive International, Michelle Bradley and Jason Luckett discuss, “Optimizing Cyber Risk Management: Key Captive Considerations”. In it, they examine the parameters of cyber risk, and how it changes constantly as hackers adapt and expand their avenues of threat. It is important to understand that cyber risk should always be […]

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