Tracking Estimated Required Reserve Changes for Captives

Michelle Bradley, ACAS, MAAA, ARM, CERA, CCIS, Consulting Actuary and Enoch Starnes, ACI, Captive and Complex Risk Consultant

Michelle Bradley and Enoch Starnes recently authored an article for Captive International titled "Tracking Estimated Required Reserve Changes for Captives”. The modern captive insurance landscape encompasses a wide array of risks, ranging from traditional, well-understood coverages to emerging perils with limited historical information. No matter what risks are placed into a captive, it will at some point be faced with actual loss experience. Understanding how this loss experience impacts the captive’s financial viability from year to year is a crucial piece of the strategic decision-making process and can provide guidance on what the future might hold for the captive.

Click to view the article

As a reminder, SIGMA's Captive Overview brochure presents a high-level captive overview, and addresses fundamental questions, such as “What is a captive insurance company?”, “Why would I use a captive over traditional insurance?”, and “How do I form a captive?”. Get your copy today by clicking the link below.

Click to request a PDF or printed copy

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