Category: Training Resources

Actuarial Analytics for Acquisitions

When a company begins the due diligence process for acquiring another entity, several actuarial factors must be considered.  For risk related specifically to property and casualty, the main question needing to be answered pertains to the actual liabilities being acquired and how accurately they are being estimated. When the target company has maintained insurance programs […]

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How All Clients – Small or Large - can Benefit from Analytics

SIGMA recently celebrated six months of success with our new online product,, which contains training videos, resources, and the online version of Loss Forecaster. This process has prompted a lot of conversation about what types of analytics best serve clients of different sizes. As result, we are developing LORAN, a new analytic tool for […]

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Confidence Interval and Retention Level Analyses

Blog 1: Intro to SIGMA & Scope and Data Requirements Blog 2: Loss Development Factors Blog 3: Reserve and Cash Flow Analyses Blog 4: Trending, Pure Loss Rates, and Loss Projections Blog 5: Confidence Interval and Retention Level Analyses Blog 6: Loss Cost Analysis In our last post, we spent a bit of time dealing […]

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The Analytically Based – Data Driven Broker: Loss Development Factors

Blog 1: Intro to SIGMA & Scope and Data Requirements Blog 2: Loss Development Factors Blog 3: Reserve and Cash Flow Analyses Blog 4: Trending, Pure Loss Rates, and Loss Projections Blog 5: Confidence Interval and Retention Level Analyses Blog 6: Loss Cost Analysis In our previous blog post, we covered one of the first steps in creating […]

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Building Blocks for the Analytically Based - Data Driven Broker

Blog 1: Intro to SIGMA & Scope and Data Requirements Blog 2: Loss Development Factors Blog 3: Reserve and Cash Flow Analyses Blog 4: Trending, Pure Loss Rates, and Loss Projections Blog 5: Confidence Interval and Retention Level Analyses Blog 6: Loss Cost Analysis As a current recipient of the Risk Management Blog, it’s likely […]

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Understanding Confidence Intervals

Seeing the Big Picture While a loss pick or point estimate produced from accurate analysis by an experienced actuary is valuable information, its usefulness is tempered by the likelihood of how accurate the estimate is. That is, from a statistical standpoint, the loss pick has a certain probability of being correct. That probability, measured in a confidence interval, is […]

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Dissecting the Personality of a Power Broker

In 2010, after selling Specific Software Solutions, I went on a whirlwind tour to visit brokers around the country. The purpose was to ask one question, “What challenges does the property/casualty brokerage industry face?” The response was consistent and best summarized by a quote I wrote down to use as the motivation for my PhD […]

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The Analytical Broker and Confidence Intervals

During the past few months, I have argued that becoming and being an "Analytical Broker" is key to continued success both as a producer and as an agency or brokerage firm. Here at SIGMA, we are committed to providing education and guidance to support your effort to improve your analytical capabilities. In this blog, I […]

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Reserve Allocation by Entity

By Michelle Bradley, ACAS, MAAA, ARM, CERA and Enoch Starnes Through a series of blog posts, SIGMA has begun to address some common questions, requirements, and issues based on our previous experience with clients and auditors. Prior entries have focused on qualifications and factors surrounding the actuarial analysis. In this post, we’d like to dive […]

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"Blocking and Tackling" as an Analytical Broker

As we continue with this year’s series on being an Analytical Broker, I wanted to emphasize the importance of fundamentals. Being an Analytical Broker requires certain fundamental “blocking and tackling” skills which must be mastered before higher level analytics can be considered.  In this case, “blocking and tackling” refers to your ability to interpret loss projections […]

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